On 30.04.2011 19:34, Mariusz Gliwiński wrote:
I'm trying to learn high-performance real-time programming.

One of my wonderings are:
Should i use int/uint for all standard arithmetic operations or int/short/byte (depends on actual case)?
I believe this question has following subquestions:
* Arithmetic computations performance
* Memory access time

My actual compiler is DMD, but I'm interested in GDC as well.

Lastly, one more question would be:
Could someone recommend any books/resources for this kind of informations and tips that could be applied to D? I'd like to defer my own experiments with generated assembly and profiling, but i suppose people already published general rules that i could apply for my programming.

Mariusz Gliwiński
I find Agner Fog's guides on optimization for x86 the best source on such architecture specific matters.

Citing releveant part from C++ optimization guide (on Integers):
>Integers of smaller sizes (char, short int) are only slightly less
>efficient. In most cases, the compiler will convert these types to integers of the default size >when doing calculations, and then use only the lower 8 or 16 bits of the result. You can >assume that the type conversion takes zero or one clock cycle. In 64-bit systems, there is >only a minimal difference between the efficiency of 32-bit integers and 64-bit integers, as
>long as you are not doing divisions.

Dmitry Olshansky

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