Misuse of std.parallelism can very easily cause accidental sharing of data. 
Both in the interfaces to std.parallelism and inside the code, the whole shared 
concept is intentionally side stepped. The only use of shared is when using 
atomic operations from druntime that were properly coded.

I raised concerns about the module early on, but never had the time to do a 
detailed critique. I encourage you to file lots of bugzilla entries on ways to 
screw up with std.parallelism.

jdrewsen Wrote:

> Hi,
>     Does anyone know how unshared parameters are handled when executing 
> a task in std.parallelism.
> Most of the examples uses them e.g. when iterating over an unshared 
> array (parallelSort example).
> I did give the source a quick look but couldn't find a cast to shared 
> for parameters anywhere.
> Any insights?
> Thx.
> Jonas

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