On Fri, 06 May 2011 05:56:17 -0400, Mike Parker <aldac...@gmail.com> wrote:

Testing out a new binding I knocked up for a C library. One of the functions takes a struct by value. It looks somewhat like this:

struct S {}
struct Color
     float r,g,b,a;

extern C void function(S* s, Color color, int x, int y, in char*) draw_text;

Now, there is another function that adjusts color values when making a color. In C, it is sometimes used like so:

draw_text(s, map_color(255, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0, "Blarg");

When I'm calling draw_text like this on the D side, my text output is corrupt. I keep getting weird things like ^^P^, but in the appropriate color. It's consistent, no matter what string I pass, but is different for each color value. If I call draw_text like this:

auto color = map_color(...);
draw_text(s, color, 0, 0, "Blarg");

It works as expected. Has anyone else seen this, or know of a workaround? I'm going to dig through bugzilla later on and see if it's been reported already, but I'm curious if anyone knows of the cause off hand.

There are two possible causes I can think of, depending on how draw_text is defined in C.

1. is it truly a function pointer? That is, does the definition look like void (*draw_text)(S* s, ...), or is it just void draw_text(S* s, ...)?

2. It's possible that the extern C (BTW, I thought it had to be extern(C)?) is only applying to the symbol name draw_text and not the function type.

If you answer no to #1, then your problem is your draw_text definition in D. It should look like this:

extern(C) void draw_text(S * s, Color color, int x, int y, in char *);

If you answer yes to #1, then to check what type the compiler is giving to draw text, do:

pragma(msg, (typeof(draw_text)).stringof);

This hopefully tells you that it's extern(C), but if not, that is likely the problem.

If that's not it, I have no idea ;)


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