On 5/8/2011 4:05 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Sean Cavanaugh:
        So I was learning how to make a module of mine very strict with private

parts, and was surprised I could only do this with global variables and
functions.   Enums, structs, and classes are fully visible outside the
module regardless of being wrapped in a private{} or prefixed with
private.  Am I expecting too much here?

You are expecting the right thing. If you are right, then it's a bug that
eventually needs to be fixed. Take a look in Bugzilla, there are several
already reported import/module-related bugs.

They're private _access_ but still visible. I believe that that is the correct
behavior and not a bug at all. I believe that it's necessary for stuff like
where various functions in std.algorithm return auto and return a private
struct which you cannot construct yourself. Code which uses that struct needs
to know about it so that it can use it properly, but since it's private, it
can't declare it directly. It works because the types are appropriately
generic (ranges in this case). Regardless, I believe that the current behavior
with private is intended.

- Jonathan M Davis

The more I play with private/protected/package the more confused I am by it.

For the most part the rules are:
        Functions and variables have protection
        Types (enum, struct, class) do not
this and ~this are special and are not considered functions, and are always public
        struct and class members always default to public

If you search phobos you will find occurences of 'private struct' and 'private class', so even the people writing libraries are expecting something to be happening that isn't. For example:

//in std.parallelism:
private struct AbstractTask {
    mixin BaseMixin!(TaskStatus.notStarted);

    void job() {

//and in std.demangle:
private class MangleException : Exception

and in my code I can compile the following without compile-time errors:

import std.parallelism;
import std.demangle;

int main()
        MangleException bar = new MangleException();

        AbstractTask foo;

        return 0;

With the language the way it is now, it is nonsensical to have the attributes public/protected/package/private/export precede the keyword struct, class, or enum.

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