Russel Winder wrote:
> My second reaction was "Jonathan should not have had to write such
> a long email in reply, he should have been able to say 'Please go
> read <URL>' for an explanation."

Better yet, that url could be right there in the deprecated message.

" and std.dateparse are deprecated. Use std.datetime instead.
More: <wiki link to migration guide>"

When something is renamed, just listing the new name is enough since
that's everything you need to know. But a whole new module needs
a brain shift and a link can do that better than a one line message.

While it looks like everything I'd need to know is in the std.
datetime docs, they are just rather long... I looked at that
and figured reading from front to back would take too long,
especially considering the basic tasks I was asking of it.

So then I did a search for the names, and only got the
deprecated functions! So it was a scary way to get started.

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