On 15.05.2011 18:17, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:

> That doesn't work in PHP nor ASP. In them, you *must* have page-a
> include page-b, or a parent page include both, unless you are
> populating the var from the session (see below).

  Don't take my example literally, please - I just wanted to point that there 
is some globally visible storage accessible to all pages, be it session or 
something else, but which exists while the server is running and is very fast 
(i.e. not in DB).

> That never works in PHP nor ASP, not even with php's
> register_globals. You have to use an explicit session to keep
> variables around between calls.

  Again - session data s something that is transparently (more or less) 
accessible to all pages. dhp doesn't do this, as far as I can see.

  If application is a set of pages, there should be a way to share data between 
pages without using complicated or expensive persistent storage.


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