On 2011-05-30 08:54, choi heejo wrote:
> Greeting.
> I tried to compile this code with DMD 2.053:
> @property bool isZero(float value)
> {
> return value < float.epsilon;
> }
> void main()
> {
> 0.1f.isZero;
>  readln();
> }
> But the compiler said,
> no property 'isZero' for type 'float'.
> I cannot understand this error.

Property functions and uniform function call syntax are two separate things. 
When a function is a property function, then it is called without parens as it 
were a member variable. It only works with types which can already be called 
as if they had member functions - which are structs, classes, and arrays. 
Arrays are currently the only type with no built-in member functions which can 
call other functions as if they were member functions. For that to work with 
any type would be called universal function call syntax, and that hasn't been 
implemented. And it may never be implemented. Using the member function call 
syntax like that only works with structs, classes, and arrays.

So, your example doesn't work because it's illegal to call a function on a 
float as if it that function were its member function. So, if @property were 
enforced such that you had to call it as if it were a member variable (the 
enforcement hasn't been added to the compiler yet), it would actually become 
illegal to call isZero.

The "no property 'X' for type 'Y'" error message is what the compiler always 
gives when it can't find a property or function that it's looking for. float 
_does_ have some built-in properties (such as min, max, and init), but isZero 
isn't one of them, and without UFCS, you can't add any.

- Jonathan M Davis

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