Hi I'm a newbie with big ambitions! (Sorry, got spoiled by C#)

Anyhow I'm toying with a D learning project and there are 2 .NET feature that will be welcome in this D project:

1. internationalization.
the app will contains a bunch of simple UIs and I was wondering how I would go on internationalizing the application. I.e. embed multiple "resource" for different languages in the EXE and show the appropriate ones for the target / running computer

2. I'd like a part of my library (in progress) to read / write some arbitrary settings. I was thing to use something akin to the DataContractSerialization we have in .NET
where I could define a few classes with attribute

class Root
 public int Prop1 { get; set; }
 public B PropB { get; set; }

class B
 public string Name { get; set; }

a reader / writer class can turn this class (using the atributes) into text (XML, JSON, I don't care) and back from text into object instance How would I implement something similar in D? Is there already a library doing it?

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