- The D compiler has only bad code optimization
Yep, but there is LDC and GDC which use LLVM and GCC as backends respectively.

- There are no maintained GUI libraries
I wouldn't agree with that. Some people are still working on GtkD, QtD and DWT.

- The development of the compiler is very slow
More and more people are contributing patches so development has definitely become faster. Also Don has more or less taken over development of the CTFE functionality. Nice trend.

- Only a small community
  => no real German community
There is no separate German community but there are plenty of Germans here.
Manchmal sieht man sie nur nicht sofort ^^

So I ask you - Is it reasonable to learn D?
Yeah, learning D is definitely worth it, if only to know why C++ and especially C++0x sucks ass ;)
The language and its potential is just great.

In my experience you shouldn't use D for a particular project though if you
- have pressing deadlines, cause compiler bugs might become very painful.
- depend on C++ libraries or have to code a module for a big C++ framework. I tried using SFML but wasted a lot of time writing the wrapper code instead of actual application code.

Apart from that it's perfectly possible to accomplish non-trivial projects with D, be it against all odds like

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