> I'm trying to create 2 extra method for arrays ("range" would be
> better, though I don't quite understand what is a "range")
> Although I have some indecipherable (to me) compiler error...
> What's wrong with the code below?
> ==================
> import std.algorithm;
> public:
> void remove(T)(ref T[] array, T element)
> {
>    auto index = array.countUntil!("a == b", T[], T)(array, element);
>    removeAt(index);
> }
> void removeAt(T)(ref T[] array, sizediff_t index)
> {
>    if(index < 0 || index >= array.length)
>        return;
>    array.replaceInPlace(index, index + 1, []);
> }
> unittest
> {
>    auto a = [1, 3, 4];
>    a.remove(3);
>    assert(a == [1, 4]);
> }
> ======================

Hi Lloyd,

why not just use the built in functionality of arrays?

import std.stdio;

void main() {
    auto a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
    remove(a, 3);

    foreach (i; a) {
        write(i, " ");

void remove(T) (ref T[] myarray, int element) {
    auto front = myarray[0 .. (element -1)];
    auto back =  myarray[element .. $];
    myarray = front ~ back;
    // or simply: myarray = myarray[0 .. (element - 1)] ~ myarray[element ..


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