Hi Jesse, this won't work!
It's my fault in not explaining my problem well though...

I forget to mention something...
I'm using property syntax and try to call the method

Say I have
private int _foo;
@property public int Foo() { return _foo; }
@property public void Foo(int value) { _foo = value; }
if I call MEMBER(MyClass, "Foo")
I'd like to do some static test for "int Foo()" and "void Foo(int)"

So... how will I go on solving that?

"Jesse Phillips"  wrote in message news:itdqs4$mv0$1...@digitalmars.com...

MemberDesc MEMBER(T, string memberName)() if(std.traits.hasMember!(T, memberName))

Lloyd Dupont Wrote:

I have a MemberDesc class which describe a class's members.
I fill it with a template method like that (with GETTER and SETTER some
other templated method I wrote)
MemberDesc MEMBER(T, string memberName)()
    TypeInfo ti = typeid( typeof(__traits(getMember, T, memberName)) );

    Variant function(Object target) getter = null;
    getter = &GETTER!(T, memberName);

    void function(Object target, Variant value) setter = null;
    setter = &SETTER!(T, memberName);

    return new MemberDesc(memberName, ti , getter, setter);

And it works except that I don't do any check that the setter / getter
method exist!

I tried something like that
static if( __traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, T, member)) )
    getter = &GETTER!(T, memberName);

but this always fail... mm.. how could I check for the getter?

and i guess it's even harder for the setter!
how about something like that (how to fix it?)
static if( __traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, T, member) =
typeof(__traits(getMember, T, memberName)).init) )
    setter = &SETTER!(T, memberName);

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