Ok, this is probably some stupid little issue, but I'm getting "object.d: 
Error: module object is in file 'object.d' which cannot be read" when I try 
to use a DMD I build from git. Here's how I'm building it all:


[DMC is already installed and on the PATH]

>git clone https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dmd.git
>git clone https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/druntime.git
>git clone https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/phobos.git
>mkdir dmd\bin
>mkdir dmd\lib
>SET PATH={current_dir}\dmd\bin;%PATH%

[edit dmd\src\win32.mak and change the stupid  "CC=\dm\bin\dmc" to "CC=dmc"]

[create a specially-adjusted dmd\bin\sc.ini]

>type dmd\bin\sc.ini
version=7.51 Build 020

DFLAGS="-I%@P%\..\..\phobos" "-I%@P%\..\..\druntime\import"

>cd dmd\src
>make -fwin32.mak
>cd ..\..
>copy dmd\src\dmd.exe dmd\bin
>cd druntime
>make -fwin32.mak
>cd ..
>copy druntime\lib\druntime.lib dmd\lib
>cd phobos
>make -fwin32.mak
>cd ..
>copy phobos\phobos.lib dmd\lib
>type test.d
import std.stdio;
void main()

>dmd test.d
DMD v2.055 DEBUG
object.d: Error: module object is in file 'object.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = .\..\..\phobos
import path[1] = .\..\..\druntime\import

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