I mean, I can't copy text from my program to the clipboard.

- Joelcnz

On 12-Sep-11 3:50 PM, Joel Christensen wrote:
Thanks Jimmy. Your example worked. Or though I haven't managed to get
the other way to work.

import std.stdio;
//import core.stdc.string;
import std.c.string;
import std.string;
import std.conv;

extern(Windows) {
bool OpenClipboard(void*);
void* GetClipboardData(uint);
void* SetClipboardData(uint, void*);

void main() {
if (OpenClipboard(null)) {
auto cstr = cast(char*)GetClipboardData( 1 );
if (cstr)

SetClipboardData( 1, cast(char*)toStringz( "data set" ) );

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