On Tue, 13 Sep 2011 06:27:44 +0300, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:

Personally, I'd just Duration far those and not TickDuration. Duration is just as precise (if not more precise) than TickDuration as long as the system ticks aren't less than 1 hnsec apart. TickDuration is useful in that it gives you timing in clock ticks if you need it (e.g. if the system clocks ticks were
faster than 1 ever 1 hnsecs), but in the general case, it doesn't buy you
anything over Duration, and I don't see why it would in your case either.
Maybe something in how you're doing events?

Well, TickDuration.currSystemTick() returns a TickDuration, so I went with that all across. I'll be needing to do some conversions at one point or another, though optimally it'd happen when creating events, and not when processing them, as that would have less total overhead.

Best regards,
 Vladimir                            mailto:vladi...@thecybershadow.net

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