D has a wonderfull feature named delegate. Delegate can acess local data, thus would be dangerous if thoses data were on the stack. For what I understand, when a delegate can access the local data of a function, those data are set on the heap instead of the stack, resulting on a slower function call, but on a safe delegate behaviour.

I'm wondering what's going on behind the hood when such a function is called. are the parameter passed to the function on the stack and the copied on the heap ? In such a situation, data are copied two times. Will a postblit constructor be called two times ? Or is the function taggued as « heap function » and then only the pointer is passed in the function call ?

Secondly, how does thing like scope(exit) are handled in such a case ? When the constext is collected by the GC ? When the function ends it's execution ? The try {} finally {} analogy suggest the second one, but this is definitively not an exit of the scope, the scope being still accsible throw the delegate.

Those are exemple but more generaly, my question isn't about thoses exemples. It is about what really is going on. Let's say, what would be the C translation of such a function call or somethung similar.

Thank by adavnce,


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