On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 15:42:26 -0400, simendsjo <simend...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 10.10.2011 21:38, bearophile wrote:

D>echo hello | wordcount2.exe<  wordcount2.d
0       hello
std.stdio.StdioException@std\stdio.d(2156): Bad file descriptor

This is a bug in the C runtime that D uses, where pipes are not used correctly. I'm working on getting Walter to fix it as it's needed for the new std.process as well.


wordcount2.exe<  wordcount2.d


Shouldn't the original way work too?

Yes, but the main difference is, bearophile's method simply opens a file, which FILE * obviously supports no problem. Your method creates a process with a pipe as the input.


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