On Wed, 19 Oct 2011 21:39:47 -0400, Daniel Murphy <yebbl...@nospamgmail.com> wrote:

"Steven Schveighoffer" <schvei...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 02:40:12 -0400, Daniel Murphy
<yebbl...@nospamgmail.com> wrote:

"Steven Schveighoffer" <schvei...@yahoo.com> wrote in message

That sounds like an incorrect restriction.  The implicit cast to
should depend on whether the function being *called* qualifies, not if
function you are calling *from* qualifies.

I think you've misunderstood what I'm saying.  The patch I made
two ways to implicly convert to immutable: the result of a pure function
returning immutable and a return statement inside a pure function.

int[] fun() { return new int[]; }
immutable x = fun(); // conversion happens here

immutable(int[]) fun() { return new int[]; } // conversion happens here
immutable x  = fun();

Neither of those is relevant, since they do not contain parameters (I'm
assuming you meant them both to be pure).

Yeah, they were supposed to be pure.  I was just demonstrating that
conversion happens at the return statement, or the call site, but only
currently for strongly pure functions.

Qualifying means the return type should be mutable, and cannot be
from the parameters without requiring casts. The easiest way to do this is to ensure the parameters are all const, immutable, or implicitly cast
to immutable.  You could do funky things like assume for instance an
cannot possibly be implicit-casted to a char[], so therefore int[]
foo(char[] data) pure can be implicitly casted to immutable, but that
might be flirting with dangerous situations.

The one exception should be allocating memory, which should always
qualify, even though it's not a pure function.

This is valid, but becomes very complicated with complex return types. I
doubt this will ever make it into the language.

No, it's not complicated, at least in my view.  The rules are:

1. if the pure function parameters are only immutable or
implicitly-convertible-to-immutable, the result is safe to cast to
immutable, regardless of what happens inside the function, or the type of
the result.
2. if the pure function parameters contain any mutable data that is
mutable and *not* implicitly convertible to mutable, and the result is
only safe to cast to immutable if it can already implicitly cast to
3. if the pure function parameters are implicitly castible to immutable,
immutable, or are const, then:
a) if the return type is implicitly castable to immutable, obviously
it can be cast.
      b) if the return type is not implicitly castable to immutable, but
contains only mutable references, then it's implicitly castable to
      c) otherwise, it cannot be implicitly cast.

You do not need the function body to determine this, and the decision
should be made by the compiler at the call site.

Your case 2 where the conversion happens at the return statement is
already covered.

I've got the beginnings of a patch to enable a sort of 'pure expression',
such as new, array.dup and array concatenation expressions.  The result
of a
call to a const-pure function using immutable arguments can be converted
immutable, while calling it with mutable or const arguments cannot,
searching the return type for anything the arguments can implicitly
to (or create).

Eg. I can't see a great way to detect situations like this:

struct S { const void* p; }

This struct could only be cast to immutable under my rule 1 above.  It
does not implicitly cast to immutable.

S[] fun(int[] arr)
    return [ S(arr.ptr) ];
immutable x = fun([1, 2, 3]);

Invalid.  arr is not implicitly castable to immutable and is mutable, so
the result must already be implicitly castable (which it is not).  This
falls under rule 2 above, and fails the test.


Ok, I think I meant to make fun pure and fun's parameter 'in', so it would
fall under rule 3 but be rejected by 3b as it contains a const member.

It's not always simple to determine if an aggregate contains non-mutable
members.  An example would be a class when you only have a base class

I had not thought about classes (or interfaces), I was only thinking of concrete types. I think in the case of classes, all parameters with classes must be marked as immutable to have an implicit cast of the result to immutable (i.e. fall under rule 1). In reality, the rules I specify are enough, but they simply aren't explicit about how classes make it impossible to determine if any const members are aboard.

The same goes for void *, which could point to a type which has const members.

All cases where classes or void * pointers are involved must fall under rule 1, since you cannot determine whether such types are transitively mutable.

Another problem (which we're already seeing with the existing conversions) is that when you screw it up the conversion fails, but doesn't give you any hint as to why it failed. Making the rules more complicated is just going
to make this worse.

By letting the caller choose the return type, you are eliminating code duplication.

Consider the function:

int[] repeat(in int[] x, uint ntimes) pure
   int[] result;
   result.reserve(x.length * ntimes);
   foreach(uint i; 0..ntimes)
      result ~= x;
   return result;

Under my rules, you need only this one function to handle all 9 cases of converting between constancies of int

int[]        => int[]
int[]        => const(int)[]
int[]        => immutable(int)[]
const(int)[] => int[]

I think this is worth having. In contrast, what we have now is quite limited, and inconsistent.

A long-standing request I've had is this:


I think this new feature of implicit immutable casting via pure is the key.

The more we make immutable data safer and easier to create and convert, the better off D (and pure functions) will be.


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