On Thu, 20 Oct 2011 21:49:27 -0400, bearophile <bearophileh...@lycos.com> wrote:

I have many strings and I want to use as associative array kay a sorted concat of two strings (it's a signature of the two strings):

import std.algorithm;
void main() {
    string a = "red";
    string b = "green";
    int[string] aa;
    //aa[(a ~ b).sort] = 1;
    //aa[(a ~ b).sort.idup] = 1;
    aa[(a.dup ~ b.dup).sort.idup] = 1;

I think the first way used to work, the second way was recently forbidden (and you can't use char[] as associative array key). The third way now works, but array.sort will go away.

So do you know what's a copy-minimizing (and possibly short) way to perform this, in future?

a ~ b should technically be assignable to char[], since it's alread new memory. We may yet get there with pure functions being able to implicit cast to immutable.

You could do this for now, but it's ugly:

char[] concatStr(string[] s...) pure
   auto len = 0;
   foreach(str; s) len += str.length;
   auto result = new char[len];
   auto slice = result;
   foreach(str; s)
      slice[0..str.length] = str;
      slice = slice[str.length..$];
   return result;


auto str = concatStr(a, b);
str.sort; // this is going to stop working, you'll have to cast to byte[]
aa[assumeUnique(str)] = 1;

There are also alternatives to AA (such as dcollections' HashMap) which are willing to take non-immutable keys.


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