Thanks Andrej. That bug says that you can not alloc memory during GC. However i
don't alloc but free memory in ~this. But anyway, as you said, I should use
malloc/free in core.stdc.stdlib to manage memory manually. I modified the code 
use that malloc/free, and it works without crashing.

However, the following little bit more complex test got a Bus error.

import core.stdc.stdlib;

class Allocator {
        void* alloc(size_t size) {
                return malloc(size);

        void free(void *block) {

class Pages {
        this(Allocator allocator) {
                _allocator = allocator;
                void *p = _allocator.alloc(1000);
                _pages ~= p;

        ~this() {
      [0]);// Bus error there

        Allocator       _allocator;
        void*[]         _pages;
        size_t          _a;
        size_t          _b;
        size_t          _c;
        size_t          _d;
        size_t          _e;
        size_t          _f;

void main() {
        auto a = new Allocator();
        auto pg = new Pages(a);

I got the following bus error:
Bus error: 10

What's the problem? Does it mean that I can not access _allocator during the
deconstruction of pg? And the most mythical thing is that if I comment out the
declaration of _a to _f of Pages, then the bus error will go.

(I use the most recent dmd 2.0.056.)

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