On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 8:16 PM, Andrej Mitrovic
<andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> GDC does seem to use this, now that I've tested it:
> D:\dev\code\d_code>gdc test.d
> 1067L
> D:\dev\code\d_code>gdc -v2 test.d
> 2052L
> I've found the docs, it states this is a compiler token:
> http://d-programming-language.org/lex.html (section Special Tokens)
> But being able to target a *language version* in a compiler-neutral
> way would be great. I don't know if LDC does the same thing as GDC
> though.

Odds are good that this value is part of the frontend, in which case
it would be identically in LDC and GDC.

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