On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 09:54:10 -0500, Adam <a...@anizi.com> wrote:

To sort of put my two cents back in, and also to be one of those "D
should be like Java!" advocates, the problem is largely that a class
that inherits from an abstract and does *not* override some abstract
member becomes implicitly (to the user) abstract.

Yes that is the state of affairs.

The way abstracts work in Java is that, in order to maintain that
"child" is an abstract (so that the actual implementation is
GrandChild), you must declare that both Child is an abstract class
and redeclare the function in question.

This appears superfluous to me. A class is abstract either because you say it is, or because you haven't fully implemented all methods.

Your same line of thinking is used to promote mandatory overrides, which alerts you when something that was an override stops overriding or vice versa. However, we aren't in the same place with abstract, since you *can* declare a class abstract even though all its methods are concrete.

Now, perhaps there are good reasons in D for not requiring Child to
be declared abstract, but I'm not sure what they are. If a class
having any members that are abstract is implicitly abstract, then
the programmer should probably have to declare that the class is
abstract, as well.

The problem I ran into is that, until instantiation, the only way I
knew that Child was abstract would have been to go look at Parent
and see that I had forgotten to override a method.

Exactly. When you actually try to instantiate Child you find that it's abstract. It's not a silent error (and is caught at compile time).

Now, I can see if you weren't expecting this, and you didn't test it, you may end up releasing code that is not what you wanted. But what are the chances someone doesn't test their code before release?

In other words, we only gain from the compiler refusing to compile an abstract class not marked as 'abstract' if you don't instantiate it. How often would this happen?

Overall, the behavior seems "unexpected" (even if it's a personal

It's unexpected, but caught at compile-time during development. The error message is clear. I see no reason to change things.


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