On Thursday, 22 December 2011 at 06:43:33 UTC, Froglegs wrote:

T emplace(T, Args...)(void[] chunk, Args args) if (is(T == class))
enforce(chunk.length >= __traits(classInstanceSize, T),
       new ConvException("emplace: chunk size too small"));

This fails whenever the size is greater or equal to the amount of memory required :(

Hum nevermind that, got confused by the IDE behavior. Anway this emplace function crashes when I call it with a very meaningless callstack.

This works for me:

import std.conv;
class C {
  int i;
  this() { i = 42; }
unittest {
  void[__traits(classInstanceSize, C)] data = void;
  auto c = emplace!C(data[]);
  assert(c.i == 42);

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