[Cross-posted with D.announce, since it's also an annoucement]

Hello all,

I discovered D a few years ago and, seeing the recent increase in community 
projects, I
looked for a way to bring my own small part to it.

I quite like D templates and wanted to try LaTeX again, so I decided to bite 
the bullet
and wrote a tutorial on templates. It's far from finished and most probably 
full of
mistakes but since it's already quite big, I need some inputs.

It's a Github project, here:


The resulting pdf is there:


(click on View Raw)

If you have any comment, criticism, explanation, what have you, I'm game. What 
should be expanded, what example would be cool, etc. If you see a mistake, do 
hesitate to tell me: it's the first time I put thoughts on paper like this. 
issues management is far from perfect, but it's usable. Even better would be 
requests :)

There is an 'Examples' section where I show what can be done with templates and 
there I
'borrowed' some code posted here, with attribution. I already exchanged with 
Mitrovic (thanks!), but also took some code from Timon Gehr, Simen Kjaeraas, 
and Jacob Carlborg. Guys, if any of you have a problem with that, tell me so 
and I'll
take down the code of course. But if any of you could give me some explanation 
(a small
paragraph or two?) about what your code does, I'll be forever grateful :)

This also extend to anyone who would want to share some template love/lore with 
rest of us.


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