The host is - http is only a web protocol. The DNS lookup is independent of HTTP, and thus should not include it. Note that you're also missing a space after the GET. Also, in terms of the example given, some servers won't like you not using the Host header, some won't like the GET being an absolute path instead of relative (but the two combined should make most accept it). There's a CURL wrapper added, and a higher level version should be available within the next release or two, you make want to look into that.

On 19/01/2012 9:30 AM, Xan xan wrote:

I want to simply code a script to get the url as string in D 2.0.
I have this code:

//D 2.0
import std.stdio, std.string, std.conv,;
import std.socket, std.socketstream;

int main(string [] args)
     if (args.length<  2) {
                writeln("   ./aranya {<url1>,<url2>, ...}");
                return 0;
        else {
                foreach (a; args[1..$]) {
                        Socket sock = new TcpSocket(new InternetAddress(a, 80));
                        scope(exit) sock.close();
                        Stream ss = new SocketStream(sock);
                        ss.writeString("GET" ~ a ~ " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
                return 0;

but when I use it, I receive:
$ ./aranya
Unable to resolve host ''

What fails?

Thanks in advance,

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