On 26/01/2012 15:27, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
auto tsm = TestStruct(&xm);
auto tsc = TestStruct(&xc);
auto tsi = TestStruct(&xi);

writeln(typeof(tsm).stringof); // TestStruct
writeln(typeof(tsc).stringof); // const(TestStruct)
writeln(typeof(tsi).stringof); // immutable(TestStruct)

To actually get an immutable object (trying it on DMD 2.057), you need to use

    auto tsi = immutable(TestStruct)(&xi);

I think the reason is: Think of a constructor as a method that always returns this. The implicit this pointer points to a space that has been allocated in advance to hold the constructed object.

    this(inout(int)* d) inout {
        this.data = d;

    auto ts = TestStruct(&xi);

is essentially

    inout(TestStruct) ctor(inout(int)* d) inout {
        this.data = d;
        return this;

    TestStruct temp;
    auto ts = temp.ctor(&xi);

The implicit this pointer is a TestStruct* (mutable), but &xi is an immutable(int*). The only way to match both is to match the inout as const, so a const is what it returns.

But it doesn't work properly with a class instead of a struct at the moment.

I'll note that I don't think this is currently supported, but I could see how 
it would be

You away from your usual testing station?

However, in that bug report, there are no inout parameters besides the 'this' 
pointer, so
I'm not sure what the purpose would be there.

The purpose of it in the example is to be a minimal testcase for the bug.

But in the general case, the purpose is to enable a mutable, const or immutable object to be constructed to wrap existing data that has the same constancy.


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