On 01/20/2012 01:18 PM, sclytrack wrote:

letters are different yet the same

immutable(char) [] letter1;
const(char) [] letter2;
char [] letter3;

void proc1( const(char) [] letter) {}

letters are different

struct Container(T)
T letter;

Container!(const(char)) letter1;
Container!(immutable(char)) letter2
Container!(char) letter3;

void proc2(Container!(const(char)) letter) {}


This means we can't create a Stride that would behave like a
built in type.

int stride a = new int stride(2,100);
const int stride b = a;

inout(int) hello(inout(int) stride a, inout(int) stride b) inout

I've also noticed something. There is a lot of casting in the inout.

5 degrees Celsius. These modern computers barely heat up the room.


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