On 02/04/2012 03:38 AM, Vidar Wahlberg wrote:

> Let's say I got a struct for a location on a 2-dimensional plane:
> struct Point {
> int x;
> int y;
> }
> Further I also need to represent a location in a 3-dimensional space:
> struct Coordinate {
> int x;
> int y;
> int z;
> }
> If these were classes instead I could simply make Coordinate inherit
> from Point and only add "int z;".

There is also template mixins to inject complete features into the code (similar to C macros but without their gotchas).

The following templatizes the coordinate types, but you could use put write everywhere:

import std.stdio;

template Point2D(T)
    T x;
    T y;

    void foo2D()
        writefln("Using (%s,%s)", x, y);

struct Coordinate(T)
    mixin Point2D!T;   // <-- Inject x, y, and foo2D() here
    T z;

    this(T x, T y, T z)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;

void main()
    auto c = Coordinate!double(1.1, 2.2, 3.3);

You could insert the following line in any other scope and you would have x, y, foo2D() inserted right there as well:

    if (someCondition) {
        mixin Point2D!T;   // <-- Inject x, y, and foo2D() here

        // ... use the local x, y, and foo2D() here

Of course 'static if' may be even more suitable in other cases.


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