Al 09/02/12 21:25, En/na Damian Ziemba ha escrit:
> GtkD seems to be the most mature and production ready for D.
> Although indeed, Gtk+ (and then GtkD) suffers from its lack of Native 
> controls.
> The best solution would be QtD, but it looks like its abandoned. QtJambi 
> isn't officially supported by Trolltech (Nokia, whatever :D) any more, so 
> switching to Smoke would be the must.
> WxD works quite good, you need to keep in mind that it crashes with DMD64, 
> GDC and LDC works fine.
> DWT could be nice if it gets 64bitz support and Mac/Cocoa port too.
> DFL seems to be Windows only? Tho I guess it isn't maintained anymore.
> Situation with D and GUI is kinda poor.
> I see hope in Andrej researches about wxPHP and bringing it to D.
> I see hope in reviewing QtD project, it used to be flagship product next to 
> DWT for D.
> DWT could be nice too if 64bt for Windows/Linux and Cocoa will be in.
> As for now, I would use GtkD ;-)

There is some other interesting option, but in an early stage:
Jordi Sayol

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