On 14 February 2012 06:25, Timon Gehr <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> On 02/13/2012 03:19 PM, James Miller wrote:
>> On 11 February 2012 10:45, Jonathan M Davis<jmdavisp...@gmx.com>  wrote:
>>> On Friday, February 10, 2012 13:32:56 Marco Leise wrote:
>>>> I know that feeling. I had no exposure to functional programming and
>>>> options like chain never come to my head. Although "map" is a concept
>>>> that
>>>> I made friends with early.
>>> It would benefit your programming in general to learn a functional
>>> programming
>>> language and become reasonably proficient in it, even if you don't intend
>>> to
>>> program in it normally. It'll increase the number of tools in your
>>> programming
>>> toolbox and improve your programming in other programming languages. It's
>>> something that not enough programmers get sufficient exposure to IMHO.
>>> - Jonathan M Davis
>> I found that learning Haskell made me significantly better at what I
>> do. New paradigms are good for reminding you to think outside the box,
>> I also learnt Prolog for a university course (AI) and that was an
>> interesting challenge. Logical programming, where you define the
>> boundaries of the program and then it works out the possible answers
>> for you, amazingly useful for BNF grammars and similar constructs.
>> If fact it's got to the point where I feel hamstrung if I can't do at
>> least function passing (fortunately C, C++ and D can do this), and I
>> prefer to work with languages that support closures and anonymous
>> functions, since you can do wonders with simple constructs like map,
>> fold (reduce) and filter. In fact a naive implementation of quicksort
>> can be done succinctly in any language that supports filter.
>>     T[] sort(T)(T[] array) {
>>         pivot = array[array.length/2];
>>         return sort(filter!("a<  "~pivot)(array)~pivot~sort(filter!("a
>>> "~pivot)(array));
>>     }
>> (Disclaimer, this is probably a very slow implementation, possibly
>> very broken, may cause compiler demons to possess your computer, DO
>> NOT USE!)
>> I have left out some details for brevity, and it probably won't work
>> in alot of situations, but it demonstrates the power of functional
>> programming, quicksort in 4 lines (sort of, its not like Haskell's
>> "quicksort in 2 lines" is any better mind you, its slow as balls
>> because of all the memory allocation it has to do).
>> Anyway, yay for functional programming and thread derailment.
>> James
> If it is slow and uses an awful lot of auxiliary memory it is not quicksort
> as much as it may conceptually resemble quicksort. Try to implement in-place
> quicksort in Haskell. It will look like C code. Also see:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5268156/how-do-you-do-an-in-place-quicksort-in-haskell

It is still conceptually quicksort, the divide-and-conquer method
based on partitioning the list. I wasn't writing it to show a valid
implementation (I didn't even test it, it probably doesn't compile), I
even warned of compiler demons! Its a demonstration of the
succinctness of functional techniques for certain problems, not a show
that functional languages "are teh awesum and all other langauges
suck". Haskell is almost a pure functional language, therefore, under
normal circumstances, every change to the array will allocate a new
array, this is because of the whole immutability thing that it has
going on. Of course I would never use such an implementation in real
life, and Haskellers tend to avoid algorithms that do these kinds of
things, using sorts like mergesort instead.

Saying "it is not quicksort as much as it may conceptually resemble
quicksort" is kinda odd, its like saying "it is not a car, as much as
it may conceptually resemble a car" because it doesn't run on petrol
or gas, but instead runs on environment destroying orphan tears.

James Miller

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