On Fri, 17 Feb 2012 07:19:28 -0500, kraybourne <st...@kraybourne.com> wrote:


This doesn't work:

        import std.stdio;
        class Foo(T)
                T t;
                this(T val)
                        t = val;

        void main()
                auto o = new Foo(5);

        $ dmd foo
        foo.d(13): Error: class foo.Foo(T) is used as a type
        $ _

So I must

        auto o = new Foo!(int)(5);

Then it compiles. Is it possible to have this() figure out the type some way? (In this particular example it's perhaps not such a big deal. But imagine a lot more args.)

What you are asking for is IFTI (Implicit Function Template Instantiation) on constructors, and is perfectly possible, but not implemented:


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