Le samedi 03 mars 2012 à 19:45 +0100, Adam D. Ruppe a écrit :
> On Saturday, 3 March 2012 at 16:50:45 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:
> > can w do same in D ?
> alias this does that, although it does for all unknown
> methods, not specific ones:
> struct A {
>     int[] data;
>     alias data this;
> }
> A a;
> a[0] = 10; // this works like a.data[0] = 10;
> alias this also lets you pass the struct
> when the member is expected:
> void somethingWithArray(int[] arr) {}
> A a;
> somethingWithArray(a); // works, passes a.data automatically

But when you have already a ctor ( class ) can you alias this ?

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