On 03/06/2012 08:37 PM, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Mar 06, 2012 at 01:51:51AM +0100, Artur Skawina wrote:
class A {
    string prop1;
    int prop2;

    void serialize(this THIS)() {

void __serialize(T)(T* obj) {
    writef("%s {\n", typeid(*obj));
    foreach (name; __traits(allMembers, T)) {
       static if (__traits(compiles,&__traits(getMember,obj,name))) {
          alias typeof(__traits(getMember,obj,name)) MT;
          static if (is(MT==function))
          else {
             auto m = __traits(getMember,obj,name);
             if (is(MT:const(char[])))
                writef("   %s %s = \"%s\";\n", typeid(MT), name, m);
                writef("   %s %s = %s;\n", typeid(MT), name, m);

And it will do the right thing for derived classes too.

Hmm, it only does the right thing for derived class if invoked with the
derived class pointer. It doesn't work (and in retrospect can't possibly
work, since "this THIS" is a compile-time parameter) if you only have
the base class pointer.

What I needed was for serialize() to be polymorphic at runtime, so it
does have to be overloaded in every derived class. Hmph...  looks like I
can't avoid using mixins. :-(


Yes, I think this is quite a common need. Maybe some feature should be added that allows the base class to automatically mixin stuff into all derived classes.

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