On 2012-03-12 15:08, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
My thoughts on assert/unit test:

1. AssertError (and any other Error) should not be caught by normal user
code. Ever. It should only be caught by the runtime. However, the
handler in the runtime could provide a hook specific to the
OS/application and whether it is running unit tests. Obviously the hook
would have to be set up before main runs, so that is an issue, but you
may just need to alter the runtime in that case.

That's a good idea.

2. Any assert in a unit test block should halt execution in the unit
test block. Often subsequent asserts are just noise because you are
depending on the conditions that make the prior asserts pass.
3. unit test blocks should be tested individually, not on a module-level
IMO. I'm not sure if this currently is the case.
4. Jonathan's statement that the program is in an "undefined state" is
not quite true. It's in an unwound state, but not undefined. Certainly,
you should be able to continue running more unit tests. Unit tests
should be a) unaffected by other unit test blocks, and b) should not
affect the running of any other code in any way. Otherwise, a program
would run differently depending on whether unit tests ran.
5. If *any* unit tests fail, the main() function should not be run. If
an assert is triggered while running main(), the program should exit.


Makes sense.

/Jacob Carlborg

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