On 03/14/2012 01:23 PM, Jos van Uden wrote:
On 14-3-2012 0:14, Timon Gehr wrote:
I don't think there is, but I think I can create one:

! // 1 template instantiation
=> // 2 goesto, binds weaker to the right
. ++ -- ( [ // 3 postfix operators
^^ // 4 power (right-associative)
& ++ -- * - + ! ~ // 5 prefix operators
* / % // 6 multiplicative operators
+ - ~ // 7 additive operators
>> << >>> // 8 shift operators
== != > < >= <= \ // 9 relational operators
!> !< !>= !<= <>\
!<> <>= !<>= in \
!in is !is
& // 10 bitwise AND (ambiguous with 9)
^ // 11 bitwise XOR (ambiguous with 9)
| // 12 bitwise OR (ambiguous with 9)
&& // 13 logical AND
|| // 14 logical OR
?: // 15 conditional operator
/= &= |= -= += \ // 16 assignment operators (right-associative)
<<= >>= >>>= = \
*= %= ^= ^^= ~=
=> // 17 goesto, binds stronger to the left
, // 18 comma operator
.. // range (not actually an operator)

The TDPL has a list of expressions in decreasing precedence
on pages 61-63. Some of these operators, like <> or ^^= are
not listed there.

Some guys want to deprecate <>, but I think it is actually quite nice. ^^ and ^^= were added after TDPL was released afaik.

Is there a difference between != and <> ?

Yes, != gives true when at least one of the arguments is NAN, while <> gives false if at least one of the arguments is NAN.

!= means not equal.
<> means ordered, but not equal.

There is also <>=, which just means ordered, etc.

Why is the "goesto" operator listed twice? Is that accidental?

That is intentional. It binds stronger to the left than to the right, for example:


will be parsed as:


(It could be argued that => is not a proper 'operator', but an operator precedence parser can be slightly more efficient if it is treated as one.)

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