On 26 March 2012 10:34, bls <bizp...@orange.fr> wrote:
> (T) (T[] t) AND (T) (T t) seems not to work.

Ok, so looking here: http://dlang.org/function.html, I have determined
that, if you are using Variant arrays (though I'm not sure if you can
do that using literals...) you can use the syntax from this example:

int test() {
 return sum(1, 2, 3) + sum(); // returns 6+0

int func() {
 int[3] ii = [4, 5, 6];
 return sum(ii); // returns 15

int sum(int[] ar ...) {
 int s;
 foreach (int x; ar)
  s += x;
 return s;

You'll probably need to do some experimentation to figure out how
Variant fits into that properly, but it shouldn't be too hard.

Also, remember that opDispatch takes the name of the function as the
last parameter, so watch out for that.

James Miller

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