I receive errors:

xan@gerret:~/proves/dlang-proves$ ls
cgi.d  functions.d  httpd.d  netman.d  server.d
xan@gerret:~/proves/dlang-proves$ gdmd-4.6 server.d cgi.d netman.d httpd.d httpd.d:5: Error: module netman is in file 'arsd/netman.d' which cannot be read
import path[0] = /usr/include/d2/4.6/i686-linux-gnu
import path[1] = /usr/include/d2/4.6

What fails?

I use gdmd instead of dmd

On Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 20:18:39 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Saturday, 17 March 2012 at 20:08:24 UTC, Xan wrote:
I'm convinced there is a D equivalent?

It all depends on the library. If you use my code

It looks like this:

import arsd.cgi;
void hello(Cgi cgi) {
    cgi.write("Hello, world!");
mixin GenericMain!hello;

You can build that as a cgi app to drop into any
web server, a FastCGI app to use a longer running
process on almost any webserver, or a HTTP server,

Get cgi.d from my github then

dmd hello.d cgi.d # builds cgi version
dmd hello.d cgi.d -version=fastcgi # fastcgi, you also need the Fast CGI C library from the internet (search for libfcgi)

or get netman.d and httpd.d and

dmd hello.d cgi.d netman.d httpd.d -version=embedded_httpd # standalone, only works on linux

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