Thanks, yes, that did work. However now when trying to insert nodes I get this error: Cannot grow a heap created over a range. I This is what I have:

Node[] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a);
Node test, test2;
test2.fScore = 9;
test.fScore = 10;

b.insert( test );

I also tried this:

Node[2500] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a);
Node test, test2;
test2.fScore = 9;
test.fScore = 10;

b.insert( test );

It gives the same error.
I also tried this:

Node[2500] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!(Array!Node, "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a);
Node test, test2;
test2.fScore = 9;
test.fScore = 10;

b.insert( test );

Error 1 Error: this._store()[this._length()] is not an lvalue C:\DLang\dmd2\src\phobos\std\container.d 2676

How exactly would I grow this heap? or How would I give it enough room so that I don't need to make it larger?

On Tuesday, 3 April 2012 at 11:28:06 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 04/03/2012 05:17 AM, Chris Pons wrote:
I'm still having troubles with the min-heap.

Node[] a;
auto b = BinaryHeap!"a.fScore > b.fScore"( a[] );

Error 1 Error: template instance BinaryHeap!("a.fScore >
b.fScore") BinaryHeap!("a.fScore > b.fScore") does not match
template declaration BinaryHeap(Store,alias less = "a < b") if
(isRandomAccessRange!(Store) ||
isRandomAccessRange!(typeof(Store.init[]))) C:\Users\CP\Documents\Visual
Studio 2010\Projects\D\STDS\NPC.d 252

That is an API design issue. This should work:

auto b = BinaryHeap!(Node[], "a.fScore > b.fScore")(a);

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