On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 15:33:56 -0400, Xan <xancor...@gmail.com> wrote:


With helloworld program named with score or underscore, I receive the following __annoying__ error:

$ gdmd-4.6 hola-temp.d
hola-temp.d: Error: module hola-temp has non-identifier characters in filename, use module declaration instead

Can someone fix it. It's really annoying

Thanks in advance,

All d module files (i.e. d source files) must be a valid identifier.

See this document for what an identifier can contain: http://dlang.org/lex.html#Identifier

Now, you *can* possibly name the module differently using a module statement, but this is highly discouraged. If you do this, the only way another module can import your differently-named module is if you pass the file on the command line.


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