1. opCast doesn't do an implict cast. You'll have to cast to get == to work.

2. If you really have a static opCall, then the new isn't necessary.

3. You need to return from opCast. You're just declaring a local variable.

4. You need to import std.traits, or using Unqual will cause the template
constraint to fail.

- Jonathan M Davis

1. What have i to cast explicit? I thought that does the overloaded opEquals for me?
2. See my post above.
3. I return with "return U(this.x, this.y);" that is not a local variable, imo. 4. Of course i import it, but it is implicit import if i import std.stdio.

Here my total sourc eto avoid misconceptions: http://codepad.org/fnkyysYu

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