Below are measured times on operations on an unzipped 2GB layout. My observation is that use of a slightly modified version of std.file.write for the creation of the unzipped files results in a folder that is much more efficient for sequential file system operations. In particular, the ntfs rmdir takes 6 sec vs 161 sec when removing the layout.

I don't have a clear explanation why this is faster, but there is some mention in the article bleow about lazy writes by ntfs if you don't use write-through, and I suspect that is involved.

All times on a seagate 7200rpm hard drive on win7-64

unzip rmd2 cpd rmdir (ntfs) xcopy (ntfs) uzp SEQ Par 86 secs 171 secs 21 secs 169 secs 91 secs uzp NS WT 157 secs 12 secs 13 secs 6 sec 43 secs uzp NS WT Par 87 secs 16 secs 17 secs 17 sec 48 secs 7zip unzip 127 secs 151 secs 135 secs 161 sec 68 secs myDefrag +15 min 3.5 secs 54.3 secs 4.3 sec 90 secs

uzp SEQ Par is using the current std.file.write. Parallel ops during decompress. uzp NS WT is using a modified version of std.file.write, no SEQ, added WRITE_THROUGH uzp NS WT Par is same as above, but write operations parallel, 100 files per thread
myDefrag is using sortByName to defrag the unzipped folder
rmd2 is a parallel unzip, with 100 files per thread
cpd is parallel copy with 100 files per thread copy from the hard drive to an ssd
rmdir is the regular file system rdmir /q /s
xcopy is ntfs  xcopy /q /e /I  from the hard drive to an ssd

void writeThrough(in char[] name, const void[] buffer)
        alias TypeTuple!(GENERIC_WRITE, 0, null, CREATE_ALWAYS,
        auto h = useWfuncs
            ? CreateFileW(std.utf.toUTF16z(name), defaults)
            : CreateFileA(toMBSz(name), defaults);

        cenforce(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, name);
        scope(exit) cenforce(CloseHandle(h), name);
        DWORD numwritten;
cenforce(WriteFile(h, buffer.ptr, to!DWORD(buffer.length), &numwritten, null) == 1
                 && buffer.length == numwritten,
    else version(Posix)
return writeImpl(name, buffer, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC);

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