On Saturday, 21 April 2012 at 22:18:02 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
We can do not null in the library reasonably
well. I have a basic one in github:


So every time i want to avoid null references i have to write "NotNull!(Foo) f" (or better, because it's a struct: "ref NotNull!(Foo) f")? And therefore i must initialize them with NotNull!(Foo) f = new Foo();? That would be a little annoying. What if i needed in function bar only Foo f which can be null but in quatz i need a not null Reference? In my opinion the best way would be to initialize them with Foo f = new Foo(); and if i pass them to bar, it will be implicit cast to NotNull!(Foo). I think, that would be the best idea. The only thing that disturbing me, is, that it is a struct and therefore it passes by value instead as reference and that it is more to write as just "@" or "@ref".

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