On 04/24/2012 08:50 PM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2012-04-24 18:42, dcoder wrote:

I'm probably not looking hard enough, but.... Do we have any standard
d-library for serializing an object/object tree into -for example- an
xml file?


You can have a look at Orange:




API reference:

Does it automatically pick everything to serialize?

How would you make it more selective?

struct Me
        int x;
        int y;

serialize x but not y.

Would you have to create a custom serializer?

If so I would like to see an example with the custom serializer and deserializer that only does the x.

    Basic Example
    Serialize Through Base Class
    Register Serializer?

There is no register serializer example.

277         private void serializeStruct (T) (T value, string key, Id id)
278         {
279             string type = T.stringof;
281             triggerEvents(serializing, value, {
282                 archive.archiveStruct(type, key, id, {
283                     if (type in serializers)
284                     {
285                         auto wrapper = getSerializerWrapper!(T)(type);
286                         wrapper(value, this, key);
287                     }
289                     else
290                     {
291                         static if (isSerializable!(T))
292                             value.toData(this, key);
294                         else
295                             objectStructSerializeHelper(value);
296                     }
297                 });
298             });
299         }

I assume that the wrapper is the custom serializer that can be registered.

Then there is the toData that a struct can have, basically
member functions that do the serialization. Priority is
given to the registered serializer over the member functions.

And the last one. ObjectStructSerializerHelper is more a default
serializer if none is registered or doesn't have the correct
isSerializable member functions.
ObjectStructSerializerHelper(T) (T .....)

Just browsing, I haven't downloaded anything.

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