On Sunday, 29 April 2012 at 23:42:39 UTC, WhatMeWorry wrote:
I'm trying to get my head around D's type conversion. What is the
best way to convert a string to a char array? Or I should say is
this the best way?

string s = "Hello There";
char[] c;

c = string.dup;

Also, what is the best way to explicitly convert a string to an
int?  I've been looking at Library Reference (Phobos) but I'm

I think this is right...

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

int main(string args[]){
        string str = "Hello world!";
        char[] c = to!(char[])(str);
        string num = "1234";
        int i = to!int(num);
        writefln("%s\t- %s", typeid(str), str);
        writefln("%s\t- %s", typeid(num), num);

        writefln("%s\t- %s", typeid(c), c);
        writefln("%s\t- %s", typeid(i), i);

return 0;

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