On 05/15/2012 07:01 PM, Stephen Jones wrote:

> Using Object gives exactly the same problem as the Object super class
> does not have vcount variable.

But Object is better than void* because the latter has no safety and completely unusable. All you can do with a void* is to cast it back to its own type. If you don't keep type information somehow, nobody knows what the original type was.

> Casting is not a solution

That is the only solution. It may be somehow wrapped, but you must cast void* to a useful type first.

> because the
> reason for throwing different sorts of widgets into a single array was
> so I did not have to track what each type of object was;

Yeah, great! That's polymorphism. Great. You keep a Widget[] and use it.

> not tracking
> what each object in the array is I have no means of knowing what to cast
> each Widget in the array to.

Exactly! :) Either you or the compiler must keep track of it. void* removes any trace of type information.

> If some one knows void pointer syntax that would be helpful.

import std.stdio;

void main()
    int i;
    double d;

    void*[] array;
    array ~= cast(void*)&i;
    array ~= cast(void*)&d;

    foreach (address; array) {
        writeln("I don't know what type of object is at ", address);

> As I
> understand it there is a type called size_t that takes the address of as
> a a value.

No. size_t is suitable to represent concepts like size, quantity, etc. Concepts that are supposed to be never less than zero.

> Can I make an array of these and simply initialize each with
> &button1, &cursor, etc? Also, how is size_t freed?

You can but it would make no sense:

import std.stdio;

void main()
    int i;
    double d;

    size_t[] array;
    array ~= cast(size_t)&i;
    array ~= cast(size_t)&d;

    foreach (size; array) {
        writeln("I don't know what to do with this amount: ", size);

Getting back to your original question, here is another solution where Widget is a class (not an interface) that has a vertCount member. It makes it necessary that the subclasses construct it with that information:

import std.stdio;

class Widget{
    abstract void draw();

    size_t vertCount;

    this(size_t vertCount)
        this.vertCount = vertCount;

class Button : Widget{
    override void draw(){}


class Cursor : Widget{
    override void draw(){}


void main()
    Widget[] widgets;
    widgets~=new Button();
    widgets~=new Cursor();

    foreach(Widget w; widgets){


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