The number, 197, is called a circular prime because all rotations of the digits: 197, 971, and 719, are themselves prime.

There are thirteen such primes below 100: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 31, 37, 71, 73, 79, and 97.

How many circular primes are there below one million?

On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 at 14:17:21 UTC, Andrea Fontana wrote:
Probabily i miss the point. Are you looking for prime & circular primes or for circular primes only?

On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 at 14:14:15 UTC, Tiberiu Gal wrote:
"You'll skip 70% of checks..."
that's true for the Circular check ... but in the whole app, the most time is spent finding primes.

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