On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Tobias Pankrath <tob...@pankrath.net> wrote:
> I am writing a mixin template that uses alias parameters and should me
> instantiated in a class. With only one parameter, it works. But I fail with
> using multiple aliases as a tuple.
> This works:
> mixin template print(alias x) {
>    void doprint() { writeln(x); }
> }
> class A { int x; mixin print!x; }
> Now I would like to do the same, but with several attributes of my class at
> once. Thus I tried tuple parameters:
> mixin template print(alias b...) { ... } // seem not to be legal syntax.

No, the legal syntax is indeed b..., as you use below. Normally, all
members of b should be aliases. Seems like a bug to me, but perhaps
people knowing the compiler internals better than us could answer.

> My second try was this:
> mixin template print(b...)
> {
>    void doprint() {
>        foreach(mem; b)
>            writeln(b);
>    }
> }
> class A { int x,y; mixin print!(x, y); }
> Now DMD says:  need this to access member

OK, here is a module that works:

module test;

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

mixin template print(alias x)
   void doprint()

// same as you
class A
    int x;
    mixin print!x;

// extracting aliases one by one. No loop, but recursion
mixin template print2(alias a, rest...)
    void doprint()
        static if (rest.length > 0) // still other aliases to extract
            mixin print2!(rest);

class B
    int x,y;
    mixin print2!(x,y);

// Another solution, maybe more generic: string mixins
string print3(a...)() @property
    // We begin by assembling the desired final code, as a string
    string result = "
    void doprint()
        result ~= member ~ (i<a.length-1 ? ", " : "");
    return result ~ ");

class C
    int x,y;
    mixin(print3!("x","y")); // see the ( ) after mixin, and the
members are passed as strings

void main()
    auto a = new A();
    auto b = new B();
    auto c = new C();


I tried the string mixin version with (b...) (enabling a call like
this:  mixin(print3!(x,y)); ), but I got the same error as you.

Btw, it's possible to extract members of a class inside the mixin with
__traits(allMembers, typeof(this)) and to automate the process

mixin template print4()
    void doprint()
        writeln([__traits(allMembers, typeof(this))]);

class D
    int x,y;
    double z;
    mixin print4;


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