Could you add more details here?
What is current official position? Updating typelist.d and merging with typetuple.d? Keeping current one and rewriting some algorithms from typelist to work with current TypeTuple? My point is exactly that it is not that much important how such library looks like, but it is only good if included in std lib. Too minor to keep as separate library, too generic to copy-paste needed in every project required. It is best to just "have it here" when you notice that some neat tuple trick can beautify this minor part of your code.

I'd gladly to do any stuff that needs to be done to include this functionality in Phobos. What are my best options?

You might want to take a look at std.typelist:

It's a rather old module which is not actually included in the Phobos build right now (I guess that it never quite made it in, and I'm not quite sure what we're going to do with it). It probably does some of the sort of stuff that you're looking for, though it takes a very different approach. If it were to be fully included as part of Phobos, it would need some updating (e.g. fixing how it names its symbols, since it doesn't always follow Phobos' naming conventions correctly), but it's probably worth your time to look at it if
you're really looking to manipulate TypeTuples with algorithms.

- Jonathan M Davis

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