Just a recent little coding story.

Python is a good language for "exploratory programming", because the programs are succinct, it's flexible, its data structures are easy to use and good, there are already written modules to do most things, there are very easy to use libraries to plot results or import data and so on.

Doing this kind of programing I have written a small single-module command line Python program, just few hundred lines long. Once debugged it seemed to work, but only up to N=18, beyond that it uses too much memory and CPU time for me.

To solve the performance problem I've ported it to D. This translation didn't took a lot of time, and the resulting single-module D program was just 10-15% longer than the Python module. But it didn't work, the results were different from the Python veersion. I have spent several hours to find the bug, that was a nasty D associative array bug already present in Bugzilla.

This was not nice, but once fixed that, it gave the same results as the Python version from N=1 to N=18. Now the program is tens of times faster and I'm able to solve for N=19 and even N=20, good. Being this exploratory programming I don't know the correct results for those N=19 and N=20. I am only able to estimate the correct results and the estimate is compatible with the results given by the D program. This is good, but spending some hours to look for a bug has made me suspicious of the D program, maybe it was buggy still.

So I translate the Python program to FreePascal (a modern free Object Pascal, similar to Delphi). This translation wasn't hard to do, I have used one library of mine that implements associative arrays in FreePascal, but it was a little slow and boring, and the resulting program was long.

When I run the FreePascal program it gives the same results from N=1 to N=18 as the Python version, this is good. But with N=19 it gave a run-time integer overflow error. Up to N=18 a certain 32 bit int variable was enough, but right with N=19 the program tried to store inside it a value past 2 billions. A compilation switch of FreePascal allows to turn run-time overflows of all integral values used by the program into run-time errors.

I have replaced that 32 bit int with a 64 bit int in the FreePascal code. Running again the FreePascal program again I have found another integral overflow error. If I replace that variable too with a 64 bit int, the program runs and it gives a number slightly different from the number given by the D code. If I compile and run the original FreePascal code without the run-time overflow tests it gives the same results as the D version for N=19 and N=20.

I can study the D code, looking for variables that cause overflow, but this study requires time, because the program is small, but its algorithms are intricate.

So for this program born from explorative programming that does some integral number crunching: - Python language is not fit because it's too much slow and because in certain cases I prefer a little stronger static type safety, that's useful to not waste time debugging the usage of intricate data structures. - FreePascal is not fit because it's not flexible enough and because it's too much low-level for a exploration that must be quick. - And D is too much unsafe for such kind of programs, because integral numbers can silently overflow.

Maybe C# running on Mono is a good enough language for those purposes (it's probably fast enough despite not running on the dotnet and it has structs to save memory, it detects run-time integral overflows, it has data structures and maybe it's flexible enough).


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