On Monday, 25 June 2012 at 20:06:21 UTC, Tobias Pankrath wrote:
struct A { bool a; alias a this; }
struct B { int b; alias b this; }

A a = false; // works
B b = 12; // works

struct C
    A aa;
    B ab;

C c = { false, 12 }; // does not work, because the implicit conversion does not happen.

What is the reason to allow the first two assignments? Isn't it just another implicit conversion that shouldn't be allowed?

The compiler isn't "smart" enough to realize that you're trying to use an implicit conversion. It's only told to expect the conversion in certain situations, such as assignment, and getting it to work for rarer cases would involve patching it with more special-case code. The initializer is also expecting struct _values_; I don't think that you could call a function that wants an A and give it a bool, either. Making a struct value from an expression and initializing a struct in a definition are subtly different and follow different codepaths in the compiler.

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