On 13/07/2012 21:47, Kevin Cox wrote:

On Jul 13, 2012 4:40 PM, "OlaOst" <ola...@gmail.com
<mailto:ola...@gmail.com>> wrote:
 > I'm working on a program (using dmd 2.059 under windows) that
automatically reloads the contents of a file if it has changed, by
checking the last modified timestamp on the file every 0.2 seconds, then
using the readText function in std.file to read in the file contents.
 > It works pretty well, but every once in a while I get a "The process
cannot access the file because it is in use by another process" error
message. I guess this happens when my D program tries to read the file
before the text editor manages to close its handle on the file.
 > This would be fair enough if I was writing to the file in my D
program, but I only want to read from it. Is this a bug or is there a
better way to get file contents in D?

While the text editor is writing the file reading it is a silly thing to
do (no one knows what's there).  I'm not familiar with windows but
locking under Linux works as so.  Any number or processes can have a
read lock but if there is a write lock only the single process can
access that file.

Also isn't there something like inotify on windows?  Polling sounds like
the wrong solution.



It's not straight forward to use though and I doubt that the necessary function definitions are provided by the default dmd windows imports.

My enormous talent is exceeded only by my outrageous laziness.

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